Case study: Parklands Grove, Ollerton

A development of seven homes full of green energy solutions and built to energy rating A. These new gas-free homes generate much of their own solar power, and the hot water and heating are supplied by air source heat pumps.

The wasteland had stood empty for year and backs onto Ollerton Pit Wood. To encourage nature to continue to thrive we incorporated hedgehog holes in fences and built in swift bricks and bat boxes into the external walls of the homes.

  • Tenure: Affordable rent
  • Location: Ollerton, Newark, Nottinghamshire
  • Client: NCHA in partnership with Newark and Sherwood District Council
  • Funding: Homes England and NCHA
  • Number of homes: 7
  • Completion year: 2022
  • Services provided by Pelham: Architectural services / Development services / Contract Management services

Councillor Tim Wendels, from Newark and Sherwood District Council, commented: “The site has some great environmental features that will help residents to bring down their household bills, stay warm and reduce their carbon footprint. I’m really impressed by the eco-measures and I’m sure tenants will be happy in their new homes.”