34 affordable homes for Alfreton

We have 34 affordable homes under construction on Mansfield Road in Alfreton for NCHA.

The new development consists of four one-bed flats, 17 two-bed houses, 11 three-bed houses and two four-bed houses for the benefit of the local community. All will be let through Amber Valley Borough Council.

The site is located near the busy urban town centre and has been designed in response to the site constraints of a small single access point and existing houses on all elevations. To combat the steep slope, the new road has been raised to reduce gradients for houses on both sides of the street along with a small orchard to help define the character of the new development.

These new homes have been designed with a fabric first approach with highly insulated cavity walls and gas central heating with highly efficient boilers. 

NCHA have partnered with GEDA for the build, which is expected to be complete by late summer 2024.